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Owell Germanium Necklace Review

Germanium Bracelets: Health Claims and FDA Considerations


Germanium bracelets have been marketed as a natural remedy for various health conditions, primarily due to their alleged ability to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. However, scientific evidence and regulatory actions regarding these claims have raised concerns.

Health Claims

Claims of Improved Blood Circulation

Germanium bracelets are claimed to enhance blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. Proponents suggest that this can improve circulation, particularly in the extremities, resulting in benefits such as reduced numbness and pain.

Claims of Reduced Inflammation

Another health claim associated with germanium bracelets is their ability to reduce inflammation. It is theorized that germanium releases negatively charged ions, which can neutralize positively charged free radicals, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

Scientific Evidence

Scientific studies on the health benefits of germanium bracelets have produced mixed results. Some studies have suggested potential benefits, while others have found no significant effects. Notably, a comprehensive review published in the journal "Complementary Therapies in Medicine" found insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of germanium bracelets for any health condition.

FDA Considerations

Import Ban

In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated its ban on the import of all germanium into the United States. This action was taken due to concerns about the safety of germanium-containing products, including jewelry. The FDA cited potential health risks such as organ damage and kidney failure.

Over-the-Counter Sales

Germanium bracelets sold over-the-counter in the United States are not regulated by the FDA as medical devices. However, the agency warns consumers that these products may not be safe or effective and that making health claims about them is illegal.


While germanium bracelets have been marketed with health claims, the scientific evidence to support these claims is limited. The FDA has also taken action to restrict the import of germanium into the United States due to safety concerns. Consumers should exercise caution when considering the use of germanium bracelets and consult with a healthcare professional for reliable health advice.
