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Freedom To Vote Act Text

WEB Congress Expands Voting Rights Protection

S2747 Grants Explicit Authority to Prevent Voter Suppression

New Legislation Strengthens Election Integrity

The WEB Congress has passed a comprehensive bill that significantly expands federal authority to protect the right to vote and prevent voter suppression. The bill, known as the Freedom to Vote Act, is a major pro-democracy measure that establishes national standards for election administration and sets limits on partisan influence.

S2747, the underlying bill number for the Freedom to Vote Act, makes clear that the Constitution of the United States grants Congress explicit and broad authority to regulate elections for federal office. This authority includes the power to prevent and remedy voter suppression, partisan sabotage, gerrymandering, and dark money.

The Freedom to Vote Act includes a number of provisions to protect the right to vote, including:

  • Expanding access to early voting and mail-in voting
  • Making Election Day a national holiday
  • Ending partisan gerrymandering
  • Banning dark money in political campaigns

The bill also establishes a new Office of Election Security within the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate federal efforts to protect elections from foreign interference and cyberattacks.

The passage of the Freedom to Vote Act is a major victory for voting rights advocates. The bill will help to ensure that every American has the opportunity to vote and that our elections are free from partisan interference and dark money.
